Are the Councils Granting Planning Permission to Dissolved Companies?

Why are most 5G Towers & Poles Licensed to Three UK Ltd – Dissolved in 2015?

Is Dudley Council Bankrupt and Trading Unlawfully?

Should we still be paying Council Tax?

Three UK lTD
Three UK lTD


Dubious Practices: Allegations Against Dudley Council Extend Beyond Planning Permissions

In recent scrutiny, alarming revelations have emerged regarding the operations of DMBC, an entity masquerading as an elected authority and council. This company, that has many trading names, registered at Council House, Priory Rd., Dudley DY1 1HF, has been under intense scrutiny for its questionable practices, as documented on platforms such as Companies House, Dun and Bradstreet, and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

In addition to the previously mentioned concerns, it has come to light that DMBC allegedly leases a room on Flood Street within a building known as ‘Dudley Magistrates Court’. Operating under various names, including those previously mentioned and Black Country Magistrates Court, this entity has been trading for 33 years, utilising different trading names to handle various matters, such as council tax, gas/electricity warrants of entry, speeding fines, court fines, and other civil or monetary issues.

Furthermore, local magistrates courts, including Dudley Magistrates Court, are implicated in these alarming practices. These courts, also listed on Companies House have various limited and NGO trading names, such as Black Country Magistrates Court, Wolverhampton Magistrates Court, Birmingham Magistrates Court, Combined Magistrates Court, West Midlands Magistrates Court, among others.

These practices extend beyond Dudley’s local council, reaching councils and magistrates courts across England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, potentially impacting jurisdictions worldwide.

The implications of these actions are profound, affecting both the integrity of DMBC and the welfare of the communities it serves. The need for transparency and accountability from elected authorities and magistrates courts is paramount, as citizens demand adherence to lawful and ethical standards.

As we delve deeper into these concerning revelations, it becomes increasingly crucial to initiate a comprehensive investigation to uncover the truth behind the so-called ‘Councils’ operations. In my quest to unravel the mystery behind DMBC, I took matters into my own hands, seeking clarity on who or what DMBC truly is.

I dispatched inquiries to the corporate governance department (Lewis Bourne) demanding access to data (DSAR) and invoking the Freedom of Information Act. My questions were direct: Who or What is DMBC, what authority empowers their monetary demands for peculiar charges like Council tax, and why are they issuing arbitrary ‘fines’ (demanding money by menaces / fraud) for minor infractions like dropping pasty crumbs, being late for school or exceeding an overly restrictive SMART speed limit.

In my correspondence, I challenged their perception of me: am I a subject, a citizen, a resident, or merely a legal entity? Yet, despite my persistence, their silence was deafening.

In light of their evasion, I urge others to follow suit. Invoke your right to access information and demand transparency from entities like DMBC. Why continue to fund an organisation that refuses to be held accountable?

It’s time to take a stand. Let’s demand answers and reclaim our rights as individuals. Until clarity is provided, perhaps it’s best to withhold compliance and compel them to acknowledge our concerns.

After all, silence shouldn’t equate to consent.

5G – Objection Letter

Concerned over 5G Planning Permission and Health Risks: Take Action with our Free Template!

Dear readers,

In recent times, the deployment of 5G technology has sparked intense debate, with concerns raised about its potential health risks. As communities grapple with the rapid expansion of this technology, it is crucial to carefully scrutinize the deployment of 5G infrastructure, considering both its benefits and potential drawbacks.

At the heart of this debate lies the issue of planning permission for 5G infrastructure. Many communities are facing proposals for the installation of 5G antennas and towers in their neighborhoods, prompting concerns about the potential health impacts of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

While proponents argue that 5G technology promises faster internet speeds and improved connectivity, detractors point to studies suggesting possible links between electromagnetic radiation and adverse health effects such as cancer, neurological disorders, and reproductive issues. Although conclusive evidence remains elusive, the precautionary principle suggests that we should exercise caution when it comes to the widespread deployment of technologies that emit electromagnetic radiation.

As members of the community, it is essential to engage with local authorities and voice our concerns regarding 5G planning permissions. One effective way to do so is by submitting objection letters outlining our apprehensions and urging decision-makers to consider the potential health risks before granting permission for 5G infrastructure installation.

To assist you in this endeavor, we have prepared a template objection letter that you can customize and submit to your local planning authority. Feel free to use it as a starting point for expressing your concerns and advocating for thorough health assessments before any further 5G infrastructure deployment takes place.


Objection Template

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Email Address] [Phone Number]


Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, Council House, Priory Road, Dudley, DY1 1HF

FAO: Kevin O’Keefe, Balvinder Heran, Abu Affan, Lewis Bourne (CEO, and Heads on relevant Departments)

Subject: Formal Objection to Radio Frequency Broadcasting Towers Installation and Allegations of Fraud and Misconduct

Dear Sirs/Madams,

We, the undersigned tenants of [Your Address], wish to formally register our objection to the proposed installation of Radio Frequency Broadcasting Towers, encompassing 4G and 5G arrays, on the roof space above [Your Address]. The proximity of these towers to residential areas, particularly [Affected Area], raises significant concerns regarding health, safety, and the well-being of the tenants within the vicinity.

[Customise this paragraph to include specific concerns about health risks and the impact on residents.]

In light of the aforementioned concerns, we demand that Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council provide its full and correct legal name, as well as all relevant insurance policies pertaining to the installation and operation of Radio Frequency Broadcasting Towers within the aforementioned properties. Moreover, we demand copies of all planning applications and receipts.

[Customise this paragraph to include any additional demands or concerns you may have.]

We wish to emphasise that we will pursue this matter relentlessly until a satisfactory resolution is achieved. We are prepared to take any necessary actions, including legal recourse, community mobilisation, and engagement with relevant authorities, to ensure that the rights and well-being of affected residents are upheld.

[Customise this paragraph to reflect your determination to seek justice and accountability.]

In addition to the above objection, we are writing to you on behalf of a substantial group of concerned citizens within the borough, numbering well in excess of ten thousand individuals, who have taken notice of concerning issues pertaining to alleged council tax fraud, demanding money by menaces, human trafficking, money laundering, theft, fraud, and perjury.

[Customise this paragraph to include any additional concerns or allegations you wish to raise.]

We trust that you will treat this matter with the seriousness and urgency it warrants. We eagerly await your prompt response and decisive action on this crucial issue.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. We look forward to receiving a prompt and substantive response.

Yours faithfully, Ryan.

Feel free to download and customise this template to suit your needs. Together, we can demand accountability and transparency from our local authorities and ensure the safety and well-being of our communities.

To download the template, click here:

Data Subject Access Request / Freedom of Information

[Your Name] [C/0 Address] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date: April 19, 2024]

Data Protection Officer Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council Council House Priory Road Dudley DY1 1HF

Reference: Data Subject Access Request

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Data Subject Access Request Pursuant to the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulations

I am writing to make a formal request for access to my personal data held by Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council (“DMBC”), pursuant to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”).

I would like to clarify that while I do not dispute any lawful debt that may be owed, such as Council Tax, I do require responses to the following inquiries and concerns:

  1. Identification: Please provide information regarding the nature and legal status of Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council.
  2. Purpose of Data Processing: Please specify the purposes and legal basis for DMBC’s collection, processing, storage, and retention of my personal data.
  3. Consent: Kindly furnish irrefutable evidence demonstrating my explicit consent for DMBC to process, store, and share my personal data.
  4. Fiduciary Capacity: Clarify the fiduciary capacity in which DMBC has accessed, processed, stored, and shared my personal data.
  5. Data Sharing: Provide a comprehensive list detailing: a. Parties with whom my data has been shared. b. Purpose and legal justification for such sharing. c. Fiduciary capacity of the recipients.
  6. Data Copies: Please provide hard copies of all personal data accessed, processed, stored, and shared by DMBC.
  7. Proof of Claim/Debt: DMBC is requested to furnish irrefutable evidence, compliant with Section 136 of the Law of Property Act 1925, supporting any legal claim or debt owed.
  8. Property Status: Provide evidence confirming the non-domestic dwelling status of [Your Address] from 2001 to 2019.
  9. Dictionary Reference: Identify the dictionary used by DMBC to define key terms such as “Person,” “Occupier,” “Resident,” etc.
  10. Styles Manual: Disclose the style manual utilised by DMBC for document formatting.
  11. Document Formatting: Clarify the rationale behind the use of ALL CAPITAL TEXT and boxed formatting in DMBC’s documentation.
  12. Jurisdictional Concerns: Address concerns regarding the impact of formatting on factual continuity and jurisdiction.
  13. Financial Accounts: Provide copies of DMBC’s financial accounts, including funds allocation and percentage allocated to West Midlands Police.
  14. Company Ownership: Clarify ownership of companies listed on attached pages.
  15. Authority: Specify the source of authority empowering companies to demand payments.
  16. Legal Basis for Council Tax: Provide legal basis for Council Tax demands, including evidence of property classification and consent.
  17. Use of Dudley Court House: Explain the purpose of DMBC’s room hire at Dudley Court House and issuance of summons-like documents.
  18. Retired Solicitor: Clarify the involvement of a retired solicitor as Justice of Peace on documents.
  19. Warrant Documentation: Address the absence of recorded warrants at Dudley Court House.

Please note that under Article 12 of GDPR, DMBC is obligated to respond to this request within one month from the date of this letter. Failure to do so may result in a formal complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Furthermore, I emphasize the seriousness of this request, as any concealment or willful refusal of data may constitute a criminal offense under data protection laws.

If necessary, please direct this request to your Data Protection Officer. Guidance on handling this request can be obtained from the Information Commissioner’s Office.

I anticipate your prompt and comprehensive response to this request. Please consider this communication as formal notice, and I expect a reply within fourteen (14) days from the date of this letter, sent via recorded post and under full commercial liability and penalties of perjury.

Please be advised that I prefer written correspondence and do not authorise contact by telephone or face-to-face. Any such attempts may be considered harassment under the Harassment Act 1997.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your timely response.

Yours faithfully,


CC: Information Commissioner’s Office Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF



EMF Protection


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